Our six week ‘Slow Start Up Schedule’ is ideal for first time MaleEdge™ extender users to get you used to the MaleEdge™ device and member traction method. The member traction method of male enhancement involves applying a slight stretch to the member for a number of hours per day for at least a few months.
This slight stretch causes the natural process of cytokinesis to occur, whereby the stretch causes cells to divide and multiply, and eventually give you a bigger member.
The program gives the body time to adapt by starting out with low traction force, or in other words a very small amount of stretch force.
As your body gets used to this force, you can up the number of hours per day you wear the Male Edge extender device, whilst increasing the traction force. Once you’ve completed the six week Male Edge recommended schedule, you can then further increase the hours and traction even more.

The MaleEdge™ member extender device is completely safe to use in your own home and will give you guaranteed results, provided you use it as instructed. Some men see results in growing their member within a few months, but for others it can take a little longer. Remember that everyone’s body is different, and it will also depend on how many hours per day you can wear the Male Edge device. If you don’t move around too much in your sleep, it’s possible you can wear it overnight, but for other guys who do toss and turn, the member enlarger device will simply slip off. Wear the device in situations that feel comfortable to you, and at a pace that suits you and your lifestyle.
Click here to see our customer documented results.
Once the desired results have been achieved, your use of the MaleEdge™ member extender can simply be discontinued. However, some men do choose to continue to use the device as they feel it gives them an extra boost.