Documented results
Is your member small or curved? Maleedge can help
A lot of men at some stage in their lives may question whether their member is too small. Words like ‘short’, ‘tiny’, ‘under average’, ‘curved’, ‘bent’ or ‘crooked’ may have swum around in your mind and caused you anxiety.
You share this feeling with many other men. It’s common for men to have worries about the size of their member, and want to make it bigger.
Even if you’re not worried, you may be here because you want to add a little extra length and boost your self-confidence. We see member enlargement as just another way of taking care of your body, in the same way that you’d go to the gym, or eat healthily. The MaleEdge member extender can be used in the comfort of your own home, if used correctly is risk-free and safe, and is a natural way to grow your member.
Ready to try out the Maleedge extender? Click here to shop our member enlarger packages.

What can the maleedge male enchancement device be used for?
The MaleEdge member extender not only increases the size of your member in both length and girth, but it can also help to straighten a bent or curved member. The MaleEdge member extender offers you a solution to straighten your member, and in the process gain back some extra length. Read more about each subject below.
Maleedge customer documented results
We have collected data from more than 100 of our MaleEdge member extender users, and they all show results and member growth. Read more about our
Maleedge will make your member bigger
Become bigger and better with the MaleEdge member extender. We guarantee our male enhancement device will make your member bigger, both in length and girth. Read more about member enlargement with the MaleEdge member extender here.

Using the Maleedge extender to straighten a curved member
The MaleEdge member extender is perfect for straightening your member. No matter which kind of member curvature you have, the MaleEdge member extender can help to treat a bent or curved member. Read more about how the MaleEdge extender can straighten a curved member here.
We have documented resutlts
Medical tests
Here you can read more about all of our MaleEdge member extender tests, such as our case study, the BJUI research, the Peyronie’s disease study and our Clinically Tested Device. We are medically approved and recommended by doctors. Read more about the tests and research here.