BJUI research
Proven member enlargement research BJUI
In April of 2011, the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI) published a scientific study, conducted by two Italian doctors from the University of Turin.
They researched in the field of non-invasive member enlargement, identifying clinically and medically valid research. This was done in order to find out if any results would document proven lasting member growth.
The following quotes are some of the main conclusions of the study
“… great attention has been given to extenders, non-surgical devices that generate progressive mechanical traction the member … it seems that these devices can produce an effective and durable lengthening of the member, in both the flaccid and erect states”.
“It seems that male reproductive extenders represent the only evidence-based technique of male reproductive elongation”.
“It seems that male reproductive traction devices should be proposed as the first-line treatment option for patients seeking a male reproductive lengthening procedure.”
“In conclusion … evidence suggests that male reproductive extenders are effective minimally invasive methods of male reproductive lengthening. The application of such devices can be recommended in all patients regardless of the male reproductive length …”
What is a known on the subject? and what does the study add?
Male reproductive lengthening methods remain a controversial issue. Surgical procedures of “lengthening phalloplasty” are characterized by poorly defined indications and an unacceptably high rate of complications, as recently outlined by a literature review, while non-surgical techniques are largely popularized by the media but often lack scientific evidence. In the literature, we found only ten articles/abstracts of studies pertaining to the topic of our review.
With our review, we aimed to explore whether non-surgical methods of male reproductive lengthening may have some scientific background. We focused specifically on male reproductive extenders, which among conservative methods are those whose efficacy is supported by some scientific evidence.
It seems that the male reproductive traction device should be proposed as the first-line treatment option for patients seeking a male reproductive lengthening procedure (BJUI)
The findings were conclusive in the sense that different studies on member traction from different doctors using different methods and trials all point to the same conclusion. As for all medical research, the Turin University doctors point to further evidence being relevant, but not necessary for them to be able to conclude.